Have you ever wondered what makes that stubborn Taurus woman shed a few tears? Taurus women have a reputation for being really strong and grounded, not showing much emotion. But even the toughest of them, as an earth sign, can have moments where they feel vulnerable.
If you want to know what really triggers the waterworks for your favorite Taurus lady, here are the top 8 things most likely to make a Taurus woman cry:
Her Sensitive Nature
Taurus women feel emotions very strongly. While they can be tough, their heart is also very soft. Harsh words or broken promises really hurt them deep down.
It takes a lot to make a Taurus woman angry. But once she is upset, it takes her a while to get over it. On the other hand, she experiences joy to the fullest as well. Small kind acts, hugs, or gifts of pretty things make her extremely happy.
Taurus women are best around people who understand how sensitive they are. They should share how they really feel in a nice way. And they need to be gentle with themselves – it’s because they care so much and fully experience life that their feelings are so powerful!
Betrayal of Trust Hurts Deeply
When a Taurus woman opens her heart and trusts her partner, only to have that trust broken through lies, deception, or infidelity, the pain can be almost unbearable. Taurus women take relationships very seriously and invest a great deal of emotion. To have that investment trampled on through betrayal shatters her soul.
Dishonesty is unacceptable. Taurus women value honesty and truthfulness above almost all else. Even small white lies or omissions of fact can feel like a huge betrayal that shakes her faith in her partner. She expects and needs full honesty and transparency to feel secure in a relationship. When that honesty is lacking, it brings up feelings of insecurity, doubt, and hurt.

Loss of A Loved One
Taureans value emotional bonds and loyalty. When they lose a close friend, family member or pet, it shakes them up. They feel grief deeply and for a long time. Sure, we all cry when we lose someone so important to our hearts, but for Taurus, it can make her cry for days since her sign rules the 2nd house in astrology – how we value things.
They might want to be alone for a while as they deal with the pain. Being there to listen, helping out with things around the house, and sharing good memories of the person can make them feel better.
Everyone needs a good cry now and then, but for Taurus women, food-related frustrations can bring on the waterworks faster than most. This isn’t surprising when you consider that Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasure and abundance, and also governs the second house of possessions – including nice things to eat!
If a Taurus woman finds herself hungry but with no food in sight, the wait for a meal drags on too long at a restaurant or she simply doesn’t have access to the tasty treats she craves, the frustration can quickly build. For Taurus, food isn’t just about sustenance – it’s about comfort, luxury, and indulgence. A good meal is one of life’s greatest pleasures and going without causes real emotional distress.
Breakups can be especially difficult for Taurus women. Since they value commitment, loyalty, and stability in relationships, the end of a romance can leave them feeling lost and upset, crying days and nights. For a Taurus woman, a breakup signifies the failure of something they believed in strongly. They tend to take breakups quite personally, replaying events over and over in their mind, questioning where it went wrong.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. This gives Taurus women a deep appreciation for romance, comfort, and intimacy in relationships. They seek partners who are reliable, consistent and willing to build something that lasts. So when a relationship falls apart, it can make a Taurus woman feel like she failed at finding “true love.”

Injustice or Unfairness
Taurus women care about fairness and treating people right. If she sees someone getting treated in an unfair way, it will make her cry. She believes that every person deserves respect. Seeing others not give that respect to someone really bothers her.
It doesn’t matter if it’s discrimination, bullying, or just not giving someone a fair chance. When a Taurus woman sees things like that, it really stirs up emotions in her. She feels bad for the person it’s happening to and gets emotional out of empathy, caring about them, and wanting to comfort them.
Too Much On Her Plate
She has a hard time handling too much responsibility or stress. It’s easy for her to get overwhelmed and cry when life gets chaotic or she feels out of control. Since she values stability and routine in her life, when things get unstable or unpredictable, it really upsets her.
What a Taurus woman wants most is to feel secure and in charge of her environment. If she’s taken on more work or home obligations than she can handle, the extra workload can feel oppressive. She might feel like she’s drowning or being pulled in too many different directions at once.
Feeling Unappreciated
The Bulls often show they care through things like helping out and spending quality time together. You’ll also see her affection in compliments that come from the heart and touches. If you don’t say nice things back to her or show physical closeness, she’ll feel unseen and unloved.
It’s important she knows you value her company and appreciate the little things she does. Even a quick “thank you” or hug goes a long way in making her feel special and cared for. And if you don’t thank her for all she contributes, it’ll hurt her feelings and make her cry.
Financial Difficulty
Money issues can also stress out a Taurus woman, even if she’s usually very practical. Things like losing your job, making less money, or having trouble managing your finances can really upset her. She might feel like she’s lost control or isn’t meeting her responsibilities.
Dealing with financial problems can be ongoing, so if a Taurus woman you know is struggling, be there for her. Give her patience and understanding as she works through it. See if there’s any way you can help her out.