My grandmother has always been interested in magic and the Law of Attraction. She could revive wilting flowers just by using positive words as well as lower blood sugar levels with the help of creative visualization.
She knew that money was just a flow of energy similar to our life, and always managed to attract as much money as she wanted. She revealed her “money mind tricks” a few years ago that you might find useful if you wish to attract more money or become financially independent.

The magic wallet
If you truly desire to keep a constant stream of money in your life, get a brown or red (ruby red) wallet. These colors tend to attract more money, have the same vibrational frequencies as money, and have, in terms of money, a very positive effect on keeping cash flowing consistently into your wallet.
The color red in color psychology means tremendous power, promoting ambition, leadership, and passion, while brown color represents nature and everything associated with nature, serenity, perfection, and a sense of security.
Remember that your magic wallet must always be clean and free of any old receipts or business cards that you no longer need. This is all old, or better said, dead energy that will do you no good.
A spell of mirroring
My grandmother called this “a spell of mirroring,” and even though it’s a very simple trick, it works like a charm. The point of this magic trick is to put a small mirror into your wallet (between the banknotes), so the number of your banknotes will multiply.
Never leave a mirror in an empty wallet without banknotes, as this may cause a shortage of money!
Read also: 3 Full Moon Rituals For Money: Easy & Simple Yet Effective Rituals
Watch your thoughts while paying
What’s on your mind when standing at the counter and paying for goods? Have you ever thought about it? If you feel uncomfortable because you are giving away your money, it’s time to make a big change.
Every time you pay for goods at a petrol station, supermarket, pharmacy, or anywhere else, say to yourself silently: “Dear money, tell your friends far and wide to come back to me in a week/two weeks/month in three times larger quantities.”
Say it to yourself, and then let it go. Always pay with love and never regret anything because you are also receiving by giving. I use this very powerful spell every day, and I see that money is coming back to me in such quantity as I imagined.
For example, when I stand at the cash register and put my card on the reader, I say to myself: “The money I’m giving away now will be returned to me in two days. So be it!”
Learn to speak with money
There is nothing new under the sun that money is just energy. And because money is energy, you should treat them how you want to be treated. In other words, love money, and money will love you. Talk about money and people who have become rich in a good way. Do not try to slander anyone or envy these people’s wealth. Envy is the biggest hurdle to financial independence, as well as doubts or incorrect behavior toward money.
Again, money is nothing but energy, and what goes wrong with money in the world is not money’s fault but of people who don’t know how to handle it.
Take a moment to sit down. Hold the highest dollar bill in hours hands and start talking. Tell your money how much you care about them and how you feel when having a large amount of money in your wallet. Simply act as if they were your friends. Talking about or to money is one of the great taboos of our culture, so break this barrier and make a difference!
Our words have tremendous power – both written and spoken word so how you approach or talk about money will affect your real life whether you like it or not.
The Extraordinary Power of Visualization
Visualization is extremely powerful and effective when harnessed and used correctly. Every day before going to sleep, close your eyes and imagine that you go through a big white palace with blue walls and floor.
Walk down a long corridor until you come into the large hall where is the large wooden chest with your name. Open it and start collecting money. Imagine that the bottom of this chest is endless, and continue collecting money from the chest until you fall asleep.
Do this every night before bed until it becomes easy and natural for you.
I recommend reading the story of Helene Hadsell, who won thousands of competitions just by using visualization and the power of thought.
The magic with birch bark
Obtain white birch bark and write your desire on it. You can use a pen and pencil; the bark material is very similar to paper. When it comes to money, write on it the exact amount you desire. Then put this birch bark on a stone or any other place that can’t catch fire and ignite it.
Once your birch bark starts to burn, imagine you already have your desired amount of money in your wallet/bank account. Once the bark burns, say, thank you three times, and let it go. The Universe will always find a way to deliver it.
For best results, use this spell during the full moon period.