Angel numbers are known as messages of motivation and encouragement and are probably the last thing you want to see when someone dies. Although seeing angel numbers can be comforting and reassuring in a time of loss, most people tend to ignore them in times of sadness and grief.
If you’ve started seeing recurring numbers after the death of a loved one, friend, or even your pet, there’s more to it than just a message of encouragement. Oftentimes, the appearance of angel numbers after death is a direct message from the soul of the deceased person or animal who is watching over you or wanting to tell you something specific, depending on what specific number you see.
222 Serves As A Reminder That You Are Never Alone
When we die, our physical bodies may perish, but our spirit, or soul, does not. This is because our soul is made up of energy, and I firmly believe that energy can never be destroyed. It can only be transformed.
In numerology, the number two means companionship, duality, and harmony. In angel numbers, 222 is a powerful message of guidance and companionship, and seeing this number after death could be a gentle reminder from above that you are never alone, even though you may feel that way.
If you keep seeing angel number 222 after death, remember that your deceased loved ones are by your side and watching over you. They want you to know that you are never alone.
When my father died, I was seeing 2:22 and 22:22 on the clock every day for almost a year. At the time, it was impossible to find out on the Internet (there weren’t many articles about angel numbers twelve years ago), but I knew that it was he who used the number 222 to remind me of himself.

666 Wants You To Come To Terms With Death
Have you ever heard that the number 666 is the devil’s number? This is a common misconception that stems from the biblical reference to the “Number of the Beast” in the Book of Revelation.
Generally, the angel number 666 means that something is out of balance. It can be thoughts, relationships, or finances. As for death, 666 indicates that you have to come to terms with death. It’s a reminder that death is a part of life and that it’s okay to move on and find comfort in the future.
When my sixteen-year-old cat Garfield died, I began seeing the number 666. I believed that it was my fault that he died and that the number 666 was a kind of punishment. As I came to terms with his death over time, 666 disappeared from my life. I had to learn to see the balance between life and death and accept the fact that no one lives (physically) forever.
As a matter of fact, the number 666 has never been seen as negative in numerology. In fact, when we add up all the numbers, we get the number 9 (6+6+6 = 18, 1+8=9), one of the most powerful numbers ever, representing wisdom and higher knowledge.
If you see the number 666 after death, take it as a positive sign of change and transformation. Read more about angel number 666 in our article: Angel Number 666 Meaning in Love & Money – A Spiritual Wake-up Call!
1212 Wants You To Keep Going
Angel number 1212 is a beautiful sign that the deceased has passed on their dreams and aspirations to you and wants you to carry on achieving them in their absence.
I personally see the number 1212 as a sign of encouragement to keep going and never give up, despite the difficulties that may come your way. The deceased’s spirit is still with you, and they are sending you strength and motivation to keep going.
In our article on angel number 1212, we described the number 1212 as climbing a ladder. And this is exactly what the soul of the deceased wants from you. That ladder may lack rungs, and the climb may not always be easy, but if you keep looking forward (which is the direction you are meant to go), with effort and patience, you will climb to the top.
The deceased person wants you to follow in their footsteps and finish what they started. Always keep them in your mind and heart, and remember that dreams never die and are given to us to be fulfilled.
Final Words
If you start to notice angel numbers after your loved one has passed away, take it as a sign that you are being watched over and they are still with you in spirit. Take the time to listen to your intuition, that little voice coming from within, and pay attention to the signs around you. When you open your eyes and heart, you might be surprised at how many signs are around you.
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