Does it seem like life keeps throwing you curveballs? You try your best to be a good person, yet bad things keep happening. The truth hurts, but someone has to tell you. Here are ten hard truths about why bad things keep happening to you.
You Are Trying To Manipulate Someone’s Free Will
Forcing your wants and desires onto others usually ends badly for you. People will resent you for it and may act out in harmful ways. Respect others’ autonomy and accept what you cannot change.
The same thing happens in love and relationships. If you’re constantly chasing after someone or trying to force them to change in some way, they’re just going to run away from you even more. And you’ll just end up feeling unhappy about the whole situation. It’s like, the more you push, the more they’ll pull away.
Trying to control outcomes through dishonest means often creates more problems. Lying or withholding information to get what you want typically backfires. Come clean and be transparent instead.
You Fail To Take Responsibility For Your Actions
Blaming external factors for your troubles means you’ll never learn from your mistakes. Own up to poor decisions and bad behavior. Make amends if needed. Taking responsibility for yourself is the only way to improve your situation.
Instead of saying, “I hate that taxi driver, I’m gonna report him! It’s all his fault I missed my flight!” Maybe you should realize that if you set your alarm 30-60 minutes earlier, you would have caught the flight. Live and learn. Take some responsibility for your own mistakes instead of blaming everyone else. We’ve all been there; don’t be too hard on yourself, but also don’t go pointing fingers at other people.
You Don’t Have Healthy Boundaries
If you can’t say no, you’ll end up overwhelmed, resentful, and prone to being taken advantage of. Learn to set limits and stand up for yourself in a constructive way. Don’t be a doormat or a pushover. Healthy boundaries and self-care make you less vulnerable to misfortune.
It’s not about being rude or arrogant – it’s about self-care. You need to carve out time for yourself, your family, and other responsibilities. There’s nothing wrong with saying “No, that doesn’t work for me,” when something is proposed that you truly can’t fit in. You can say it with kindness and explain your situation.

Karma – What Goes Around Comes Around
The principle of karma essentially means that you reap what you sow. If you put negative energy out into the world, it will return to you in kind. Have you been spiteful, jealous, or cruel to others in the past? That negativity has a way of circling back around.
Make amends if you’ve wronged someone. Forgive others for their misdeeds against you. Holding onto anger and resentment is just no good. It’ll eat you up inside and won’t change what happened. The only way to really break free of that cycle is to let it all go.
Negative Affirmations
I’m sure you’ve heard about saying positive affirmations to yourself, such as “I am strong” or “I can do this.” Well, it turns out that saying negative things is just as powerful.
Do you find yourself always expecting the worst? Thinking things like “nothing ever goes my way” or when you’re driving, “of course there won’t be any parking spots”? If so, you’re essentially making those things happen just by focusing on them.
Instead, focus on what you do want. Picture good things happening for you. And also, take a minute to appreciate what’s already going well in your life. Being grateful and positive will just attract more positivity. So watch what you say to yourself because you really do help shape your own reality.
Someone Has Cast A Curse On You
Believe it or not, black magic and curses are real. An enemy, ex, or jealous person in your life may have paid a witch doctor or shaman to put a hex on you. The effects can manifest in many ways – relationship trouble, health issues, financial problems, or general misfortune. If things have been going wrong for a while now in one or more areas of your life, it’s worth considering you may be the victim of malevolent sorcery.
If you believe you are under a spell, check out these signs of black magic done on you.
You’ve Been Hoodooed

In some folk magic traditions, a person can become hoodooed when a jealous enemy takes their hair, nails, or personal belongings and manipulates them to cause harm. The hoodooed victim experiences a run of bad luck and difficulty until the spell is broken. Do you have any suspicious missing items or remember anyone exhibiting envious behavior towards you? It may provide a clue that you’ve been jinxed through hoodoo.
You’re Cursed By Generational Magic
Some curses aren’t directed at a specific person but rather run through family lines, passed down from generation to generation. If your whole family seems prone to particular misfortunes, bad relationships, or poor health, it could indicate a generational curse that needs to be broken. Seeking counseling from a psychic or metaphysician experienced in generational magic and family curses may be helpful.
The Universe Is Preparing You For Something Good
Sometimes, when bad things happen, there’s actually a reason for it, even if we can’t see it at the time. Rather than seeing these events as punishment or a curse of bad luck, consider that the universe may be preparing you for bigger things.
The struggles you’re facing now are building mental and emotional toughness that will serve you well down the road. Dealing with difficulties helps build resilience and the ability to better handle whatever comes your way. These trying times are forging strength and courage within you.
The challenges you encounter today are shaping you into the person you need to become to achieve your future purpose or calling. The universe is using these hardships to mold and refine you, clearing away weaknesses and honing your better qualities. Hard times often precede moments of growth or new opportunities.
Sometimes, what seems like an obstacle now may actually turn out to be a detour leading you to a better destination. When one door closes, another opens. Have faith that there are greater things on the horizon if you can navigate this current setback. The universe is re-routing you to where you need to go.
The painful times you’re experiencing now won’t last forever. Believe that better days are coming if you have the courage and perseverance to make it through.
Read also: Why Things Get Worse Before They Get Better When Manifesting
Low Vibrations
Low vibrations can cause bad things to happen to you again and again. The frequency at which you vibrate determines the experiences you attract into your life. When you have negative emotions like anger, fear, resentment, or guilt, your vibrational frequency drops, making it more likely for undesirable situations to manifest.
To stop attracting bad things, work on releasing negative emotions, cultivating gratitude, practicing forgiveness, taking responsibility, and making positive changes. Focus on raising your vibrational frequency through meditation, spending time in nature, eating high-vibrational food, being with uplifting people, and doing things that bring you joy. When your energy is high, you’ll naturally gravitate toward more positive experiences.
Bottom Line
The truth hurts, but awareness is power. Now that you know what’s really going on behind the scenes, you can start making changes. Stop the self-sabotage, end the excuses, and take responsibility for your life. Stop acting like a victim and start being the hero of your own story. The choice is yours.