You have come to the right place if you are looking for Sanskrit or yoga words and terms with meanings. Below are over fifty yoga words and their definitions (scroll below the table.)
Asana | Anahata | Ajna |
Avastha | Akasha | Bandha |
Mantra | Namaste | Mudra |
Bhramari | Bhakti | Bikram |
Ashtanga | Chakra | Dhyāna |
Muladhara | Prana | Pranayama |
Pratikraman | Solar plexus | Pratyahara |
Vishuddha | Swadhisthana | Shitali |
Sahasrara | Kirtan | Kundalini |
Nadis | Kapalabhati | Ashtanga |
Savasana | Om | Gomukhasana |
Dandasana | Halasana | Samsara |
Ahamkara | Ahimsa | Buddhi |
Chaturanga | Duhkha | Guru |
Guna | Jnana | Yamas |
Patanjali | Iyengar | Hatha |
Tantra | Yogasutras | Vedas |
Vairagya | Nirvana | Samsara |
Yoga Words That Start With A
Asana literally means “sitting” or “lying down.” It refers to the physical postures (asanas) that we practice in Yoga.
Ahamkara: The meaning of Ahamkara in Yoga is the sense of ‘I,’ which includes ego and pride. We can free ourselves from this false sense of ‘I’ by learning to listen to our soul through meditation, Yoga, and chanting.
Ahimsa: Ahimsa is the first of the five Yamas outlined in the classic text on Yoga, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The word “Ahimsa” means “non-violence.”
Anahata: Anahata means ‘unstruck’ or ‘unreached,‘ and it is the fourth chakra in the seven chakra systems in yogic philosophy. It is situated in the center of the chest at the level of the heart and is associated with universal love, compassion, and peace of mind.
Ajna: Ajna is the ‘third eye chakra,’ also known as the sixth chakra. In Yoga, it is considered to be a ‘spiritual eye.’ It is located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows, and above the nose. The third eye chakra represents self-realization, insight, and deep knowing. It connects us with our intuition and guides us in our spiritual journey.
Avastha: Avastha means a state of consciousness or a state of being.
Ashtanga: a type of Yoga that follows eight limbs and involves holding specific poses
Akasha: The Akashic field is not a physical location but a psychic one. It is said to be a collective consciousness of all souls. It’s the source of all knowledge, the collective memory of the universe, a multidimensional field of morphic resonance.
Yoga Words That Start With B
Bandha: Bandha means ‘lock,‘ and it refers to a yogic practice of intentionally contracting specific muscles in order to direct energy and prana (life force), thereby helping to unlock deeper areas that are difficult to reach otherwise.
Bhramari: The bhramari is the humming bee meditation. This practice aims to harness the mind’s tendency to wander and bring it back to the present moment. Focusing on the Bhramari sound in your ears can spread awareness throughout your head, giving you peace of mind and relaxing the body’s muscles. It is also said that it could help with insomnia or nightmares.
Bhakti: Bhakti is the Sanskrit word for devotion and/or piety. In Yoga, it is surrendering your whole existence to God. It is the learning to trust in His will and follow His path. The reward is peace, joy, and freedom from worry.
Bikram yoga: a type of hot Yoga practiced in a room that is heated to 38 ºC-42 ºC.
Buddhi: Literally, the word “buddhi” comes from the Sanskrit word “budhnā,” which means “intelligence” or “intelligent.“
Yoga Words That Start With C
Chaturanga: The chaturanga asana is an advanced yoga pose that activates your entire upper body by engaging your biceps, triceps, deltoids, pecs, and abs. Chaturanga is a complex asana that transitions well into many other poses.
Chakra: Chakra means disc or wheel. In Yoga, chakra refers to the seven energy centers in the body. They are located in the abdomen, pelvis, chest, and head. The seven chakras are not physical locations but vibrational frequencies influencing health and well-being.
Yoga Words That Start With D
Dhyāna: a type of meditation that aims to fix one’s attention on a single object of contemplation to become one‐pointedly focused on it.
Dandasana: Dandasana or staff pose is an asana in which you sit on the floor lying on your back with your legs straight up and together and arms straight down on either side of your body.
Duhkha: Duhkha is defined as suffering, pain, sorrow, misery, and affliction. It encompasses physical illness, loss of a loved one, break up with a partner, or for that matter, any kind of loss. Duhkha is that feeling that follows after a loss – the feeling of emptiness, frustration, and helplessness.
Yoga Words That Start With E
Eka: Eka means one, singular and unique. In Yoga, eka refers to your individualized and holistic approach to your practice.
Yoga Words That Start With G
Gomukhasana: Gomukhasana or cow face pose is an asana in which your bottom rests on your feet with your hands on either side of your legs, or you’re sitting on top of them (with feet turned outwards).
Guru: The guru is your spiritual teacher and is the one who can guide you on your journey of self-discovery. He/she is someone who has already walked the path of Yoga and can show you the way. The guru is someone who can give you both practical and spiritual guidance so that you can reach your full potential.
Guna: The word ‘guna‘ comes from the Sanskrit language and means ‘quality.‘ In the practice of Yoga, it refers to the three main qualities that all things in existence possess: sattva, rajas, and tamas.
Yoga Words That Start With H
Halasana: Halasana or plow pose is another relaxing asana that can help replenish our energy levels after a long work day.
Hatha: Hatha means ‘forceful’ in Sanskrit and is used in the context of Yoga to refer to physical postures that direct energy throughout the body.
Yoga Words That Start With I
Iyengar: Iyengar Yoga is a practice style based on B.K.S. Iyengar’s works.
Yoga Words That Start With J
Jnana: Jnana is knowledge or wisdom. In Yoga, jnana refers to the understanding that all things are essentially one.
Yoga Words That Start With K
Kundalini: Kundalini is a latent divine potential at the base of our spine. It is a powerful life force that can be awakened to heal ourselves and the world. Kundalini is also known as ‘the mother goddess’ because it can transform us into powerful pillars of light and love. Through this process, we become capable of healing ourselves and others. We also gain the ability to transmute negativity and anger into peace and love.
Kirtan: singing or chanting to music, especially in praise of God or as a form of prayer and devotion.
Kapalabhati: breathing exercise that involves breathing in and out quickly and quickly.
Yoga Words That Start With M
Mantra: A mantra is a sound, word, or phrase chanted for meditation and healing. Many mantras are used in yoga practice, and some of them include Soha (Sanskrit for “I am”), om (the primordial sound), and sat nam (Sanskrit for “true name”).
Mudra: A mudra is a hand gesture used in Yoga to help focus our energy and attention on a specific body part. Some common mudras include the dhyana mudra (which is used while meditating), the shambhavi mudra (which is used to activate and balance the sun’s energy), and the chin mudra (which is used to activate and balance the moon’s energy).
Muladhara: Muladhara is the body’s first chakra or energy center located at the base of the spine. Muladhara holds tremendous spiritual power, which can help us connect with our roots. The Sanskrit name for Muladhara is ‘Muladhara,’ which translates to ‘root support.’ Check out our Muladhara affirmations.
Yoga Words That Start With N
Namaste: a traditional Indian greeting meaning ‘I salute the divine within you.’
Nadis: channels running throughout the body that can be opened through a yoga practice to allow energy to flow freely.

Nirvana: Nirvana is a state of consciousness that is free from suffering, free from samsara, and free from the cycle of life and death. It means to be free from all our struggles and to be at peace with oneself. Yoga can help us achieve nirvana by connecting us with ourselves, allowing us to find peace within ourselves, and guiding us on how to live our lives best to achieve this peace.
Yoga Words That Start With O
Om: The most powerful word in the universe, om symbolizes peace and connection with the divine. The sound of the entire universe…remembering to be present in your body and breath, connecting with everything around you, is possible with om.
Yoga Words That Start With P
Patanjali: Patanjali is the author of the yoga sutras, one of the foundational texts on Yoga.

Pranayama: Pranayama is the practice of controlling the breath to achieve calmness and peace. words for Yoga
Prana: Prana refers to our life force, or our vital life force, which flows through the 72,000 nadis throughout our body and mind, connecting us to everything and everyone around us.
Pratyahara: is the fifth of eight limbs of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga created by K. Pattabhi Jois, in which all five senses retreat into the sixth sense (Universal consciousness) to protect themselves from distraction and allurement by earthly objects and pleasures. The five senses are: Smelling, Hearing, Taste, Touching, and Seeing.
Pratikraman: is a ceremony conducted in Jainism or on occasions that involve some repentance where we recite our sins in front of an idol or God, not only asking for forgiveness but also to make sure that we’re only committing sins voluntarily after be it pratikraman or any other complex task n order to book our place for surreptitious sins again
Yoga Words That Start With S
Samsara: The samsara is a term in Yoga that refers to the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. In this cycle, the soul transmigrates from one body to another, carrying all its karmas with it. The samsara is the journey we must all go through during our physical lives on earth, but when we die, we can choose to be reborn into a higher plane of existence. By following the teachings of Yoga, we can move up the astral ladder and release ourselves from samsara completely.
Solar plexus: The Solar Plexus (chakra) is the center of our emotional body and is located above your navel and below your heart. The Solar Plexus is responsible for our emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and self-confidence. In addition, it controls our fight-or-flight response, which is how our body reacts to stressful situations. Check out these solar plexus affirmations.
Sahasrara: Sahasrara is a Sanskrit word that refers to the crown chakra. The literal meaning of Sahasrara is ‘thousand-spoked.’ The crown chakra is the seventh and final chakra in the body and is located at the top of the head. The Sahasrara chakra is associated with purification, knowledge, transcendence, and bliss.
Savasana: a final resting pose that promotes deep relaxation and helps restore balance.
Shitali: The shitali is a cooling breath that relieves stress and calms the mind. This breath helps purify blood pressure. Students can also use this breath as an antidote to emotional highs and lows by chanting om six times during the shitali inhales. Being a cooling breath, it can also be used for fevers or high degrees of heat like hot flashes since it cools blood circulation.
Swadhisthana: Swadhisthana means ‘sacral chakra‘ or ‘sacral plexus.’ In Yoga, Swadhisthana is level two of five chakras below the navel. Its color is orange, and its element is water. The sacral chakra relates to the physical body, our instinctual nature, and sexuality. It’s also associated with creativity, fertility, and our connection with nature.
Yoga Words That Start With T
Tantra: In Yoga, Tantra means the union of the individual soul with the universal soul. In tantric Yoga, the two poles of existence (personal and universe) are united through self-realization, siddhi, and nirvana. words about Yoga
Yoga Words That Start With V
Vairagya: In Yoga, Vairagya means dispassionate, non-attachment, and surrender to God. It is the understanding that all things in life are transitory and impermanent.
Vishuddha: Vishuddha is the fifth chakra in the body, which is located at the throat. The color of the vishuddha chakra is bright pink, with eight spokes. The meaning of vishuddha is ‘pure,’ and it is related to self-expression. When we express ourselves, we put ourselves out there, opening ourselves up to criticism. So when we have this balanced chakra, we can express ourselves easily without being concerned with what others think of us.
Vedas: The word Veda comes from the Sanskrit language, which means “knowledge” or “divine spiritual knowledge.” yoga words meaning
Yoga Words That Start With Y
Yamas: Yamas are ethical principles that guide the way we think and act. In Yoga, yamas are principles to help us connect with our deepest nature. They can be translated as “guidelines of self-discipline and regulation.”
Yoga sutras: A text that is believed to be written by the ancient Indian philosopher, Patañjali as a part of the Yoga philosophy. It is written in principles or axioms (sūtra) and focuses on practicing and understanding Yoga.