Dreams about spiders are one of the most common, and for a reason. Oftentimes, the spider represents your fears, repressed feelings, or passions—something that almost all of us struggle with.
On the other hand, some cultures (or rather superstitions) see the spider as a symbol of money and wealth, which is another thing we either desire or fear.
If you had a dream about a spider, here are 18 of the most common scenarios. I always rely on traditional dream dictionaries to interpret dreams, as they provide precise and individualized interpretations.
The Spiritual Meaning of Spiders in Dreams

Spiders are a symbol of creativity, transformation, resurrection, wisdom, and patience. While some cultures associate spiders with good luck or money, others perceive them as creatures heralding bad luck.
Spiders are also seen as signs of illusion. They are known for creating spider webs, which can sometimes look like a work of art. However, their purpose is not to amaze you with their beauty but to trap victims and prey and imprison other creatures.
So, in dreams, they could indicate someone who seems beautiful or nice or successful but leads a completely different life or is an entirely different person than you thought.
Last but not least, we must consider that a spider has a lot of legs and eyes, meaning it can symbolize a bad person stalking or watching you everywhere (their eyes are everywhere) or someone with bad intentions.
Generally, dreaming of spiders indicates illusion, transformation, deception, patience, and your ability to solve problems creatively. In some cases, it can also suggest that there might be someone with harmful motives around you.
Black Spider
A dream about a black spider is a bad omen, indicating an unpleasant event that cannot be avoided, and it will probably be difficult for you to come to terms with it.
For example, you won’t get long-awaited promotions at work or may find your partner cheated on you the whole time.
It is something painful and difficult to accept. On the flip side, it will help you start over with fresh energy.
Small Spider
A small spider in a dream indicates a small inconvenience that will not endanger your life, but it will bring some discomfort for some time. It could be, for example, a broken car, refrigerator, or another device that you cannot live without forever, but you can imagine a few days or weeks without it.
Dreaming about small-sized spiders (more than just one spider) can also be symbolic of fresh things that are to come in your life, such as new relationships or new beginnings, especially if they creep up on you and don’t threaten you or you even feel good about it.
Green Spider
A dream about a green spider represents good news regarding physical health and one’s livelihood. Either you are healing or have made changes that are good for your health. You may not even realize it (perhaps you started drinking more water or stopped eating fatty foods), and green spiders reflect your current state and well-being.
Dreaming about green spiders is common for people who are undergoing some kind of healing or spiritual cleansing.
White Spider
Dreaming about a white spider represents cleansing, regeneration, happiness, and success in all areas of your life.
Since white spiders are quite unique, this success will also have to do with uniqueness. It could be a lottery win, an unexpected inheritance, or a message from someone you had a secret crush on and thought they would never fall in love with you.
In terms of spiritual interpretation, a white spider means purification and cleansing from everything bad, for example, getting rid of toxic people and thoughts.

Black Widow Spiders
A black widow in dreams represents a hopeless situation. Perhaps you don’t know where to go, what to do, or whom to ask for help. It is overwhelming helplessness that can even lead to depression.
This dream is common, for example, in people who have been doing something illegal for many years, which earned them a lot of money. Now someone has come upon them and caused them great trouble. These people don’t know what to do; they are lost and regret everything they have ever done.
If you have seen more than one black widow in a dream, it indicates revenge or someone that wants to “trap you in their net.” The black widow is, without a doubt, one of the worst spider symbols in dreams.
Spiders Biting You
Dreaming about spiders biting you means that your willingness and help to others are not pay off. People are using you to their advantage. You’re forgetting about yourself, and people use you for their good. You forget that you must always help yourself first and then help others.
Look at the people you’re helping or supporting and ask yourself if they really need your help and if they would help you too if you needed it. Make yourself your priority.
Spiders Multiplying
Swarming or multiplying spiders in dreams indicate mounting concerns. However, it is important to consider the color of the spider. If they were white spiders, you will be showered with success. On the contrary, seeing black spiders multiplying means that you have so much on your shoulders, and it keeps piling up.

A tarantula in a dream means some type of problem or official proceedings you are facing right now, and the worst is yet to come. You might be thinking, “I’ve had enough,” and then something worse comes along that you didn’t expect.
Tarantula also indicates negative thoughts or fears that won’t let you sleep or that “eat you inside.” You may think that you are not good enough and keep telling yourself that until one day, you start to believe it. It’s time to analyze your thoughts and make some changes.
Spiders in Bed
Since the bed is a very intimate and private place, a spider in a bed in a dream indicates a breach of your privacy. Finding spiders in your bed means someone does not respect your privacy or knows more about you than you thought (maybe they’re stalking you online.)
This dream can also mean that someone has revealed your secret, and you’re about to find out.
Spiders in Hair
Hair often symbolizes health, state of mind, and wisdom. If you have a serious illness or are in a very stressful situation, you may lose your hair and, along with that, the feeling of beauty and self-confidence.
Dreaming of spiders crawling in your hair indicates that you are afraid someone or something (for example, physically demanding work) may take your beauty or self-confidence away. It can also deal with the fear of aging and unnecessary stress because we cannot avoid aging.
Killing Multiple Spiders
If you killed multiple spiders in your dream, remember their color and size. If you kill a black spider, your situation may rapidly turn for the better. If you kill a white spider, you will face misfortune and won’t succeed. If you kill a green spider, your health will deteriorate.
If you kill a dangerous or big spider, such as a black widow or a tarantula, something unexpected and very positive happens in your life. It can be a huge life turn for the better.
Also, take note of where you killed the spider. For instance, a dream about killing a spider that falls on your body indicates that you will soon overcome whatever disaster you’re now going through.
Spiders Everywhere
Seeing a lot of white spiders everywhere means surprises or positive news that you wouldn’t expect. Old dream dictionaries also describe this type of dream as a sign of pregnancy. On the flip side, black spiders everywhere represent the problem of accepting a fact or coming to terms with something. It’s something you think about all the time and can’t understand why it happened.
Pet Spider (Not Threatening You)
A dream about a pet spider (or a spider that seemed friendly and didn’t threaten you) indicates that you will have unexpected assistance in your life or project. You may find yourself surrounded by new friends or coworkers who seem to appear out of nowhere mysteriously.
A friendly spider also means looking at the world from a different perspective. You are no longer afraid of what you were afraid of before because something opened your eyes or proved to you that not everything or everyone is bad.
Lots of Small Shiny Spiders
Lots of small shiny spiders in dreams predict money. The more spiders, the more money. Spiders must climb on a solid surface such as the ground, wall, table, or window to predict money.
If there are several spiders in the spider web or hanging over you, this may indicate unstable money. spider dream meaning
Red Spiders
Red spiders represent your repressed desires. Perhaps you’d like to try something with your partner, but they refuse to. Or you are attracted to a person of the same sex, but you either don’t want to admit it or are afraid to come out.
This dream is common for people who grew up in a very religious family or surroundings. They are people who want to do something or fulfill their desires, but they can’t because of something or someone.
Coming Out Of Your Skin
According to old dream dictionaries, a dream about spiders coming out of your skin means that you will learn something unpleasant or alarming about yourself. Perhaps someone wrote something about you on the internet or posted photos that were supposed to remain private.
It could also be some sensitive information about you that was supposed to remain a secret, but now it has come out, and people are looking at you differently.
Flying Spiders
Flying in dreams is all about our dreams, thoughts, and visions. I recommend reading our article on a dream about flying. Flying spiders in dreams could mean that your dreams are crumbling before your eyes. Maybe you had a dream to travel to Europe, but you had to spend a lot of money due to some unexpected breakdown of your car or house, and now you have no money to travel.
Something unexpected interrupts your plans or destroys your desire to work on your goals and dreams.
Spiders All Over You
If you see black or big spiders all over you, you are or will be overwhelmed by responsibilities. An ancient dream dictionary describes the dream as a trap that someone has set for you and is now waiting for you to fall into it. For example, it could be a sample of a fake product that you received, and that seller is now waiting and hoping that you will start buying their fake products.
White spiders crawling all over you indicate new inspiration and creative ideas that have the potential to make you a lot of money (if you apply them in your life.)
Does dreaming about spiders mean money?
Spiders are often associated with money, and some cultures even believe that if you kill a spider, you will experience misfortune or lose money. Spiders in a dream, however, do not relate to money, except for the small “money spiders.” The connection between spiders and money rather comes from superstitions that you should always take with a grain of salt.
My Final Words
These were the 18 most common dream scenarios involving spiders. Some meanings can appear negative, but in all darkness, there is always a little light. It can be a lesson to do things differently next time, not to be so trusting, to help yourself before others, or to be more careful on the internet and not to confide your secrets to anyone, not even the closest person.
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