You know that old saying about not poking the sleeping bear? Well, you might want to add not provoking the fish to that list. While Pisces are usually portrayed as these dreamy, whimsical creatures floating through life, the truth is that they have a dark side. And when that dark side emerges, look out. Silent waters can erode even the strongest shores!
The Angry Fish
When Pisces get angry, they get angry. Really angry. They’ll either explode into a fit of rage that leaves you shaking in your boots, or they’ll give you the silent treatment so icy it’ll freeze you out for good. There’s no middle ground with these fish – they’re either hot or cold.
Their anger is like a flash flood: quick to rise and quick to recede, but watch out if you get caught in the current. You do not want to end up on their bad side.
When angry, Pisces aren’t usually dangerous. However, it depends on other astrological placements in their chart and how quick their temper is. Just because they’re represented by that little fish doesn’t mean they can’t do some damage if pushed too far!
The Silent Treatment
When Pisces are upset, they tend to retreat into themselves. Rather than lashing out in anger, they go silent. They ignore phone calls, avoid eye contact, and just generally withdraw from the world. For those around them, this passive-aggressive behavior can be unnerving. One minute, everything is fine; the next, they’ve disappeared without a trace.
This reaction is a defense mechanism. As a sensitive water sign, anger and confrontation are deeply uncomfortable for them. It’s easier to avoid the situation altogether rather than deal with those intense emotions. The silent treatment is a way for them to process their feelings without the complication of other people.
Of course, the passive approach is rarely constructive and often makes the underlying issues worse. Their disappearing act may temporarily make them feel better, but it leaves the other party confused, hurt, and upset. As difficult as it may be, talking about their feelings openly and honestly is the only real solution.

Beware The Pisces’ Temper
Pisces may have anger issues, so watch out! These normally gentle fish can turn into piranhas. Their temper is like a tidal wave – it builds up slowly, then crashes down with intense force.
Beware if a Pisces goes silent. This means their anger is simmering beneath the surface, and the explosion could be violent. Pisces have been known to throw and break things in a fit of rage. Their anger gives them a surge of physical strength and energy that even they didn’t know they possessed.
When pushed to their limit, some Pisces may become physically aggressive. They see red and lose control, lashing out at the source of their anger without thinking. This is obviously dangerous and should never be tolerated.
After the storm has passed, Pisces often feel deep regret over their actions. They may apologize profusely for things they said or did in anger. It’s best to forgive them, as they truly don’t mean to be hurtful. Their anger is like a flash flood – fast and powerful, but it passes quickly.
The moral of the story? Try not to provoke a Pisces in the first place. Treat them with kindness, empathy, and compassion. Pisces have intense emotions, so be sensitive in how you communicate with them. If they do become angry, give them space until they cool down and are ready to have a constructive conversation.
Forgive And Forget
Pisceans tend to bottle up their anger and frustration, but when they finally blow, watch out! Their rage can be a scary thing. The good news, however, is that Pisces anger usually doesn’t last long. If you’re dealing with an angry Pisces female, she may become hot-headed just as quickly as she becomes calm again.
Once Pisces have expressed their anger, they start to feel remorseful about it almost immediately. Their sensitive nature and empathy cause them to reflect on how their anger might affect others. Pisces will swiftly go into apology mode, looking to make amends and restore the peace.
Pisces have a hard time holding onto resentment and anger. They prefer to forgive and forget, letting go of negative feelings in order to feel at ease again. Pisces anger is often compared to a quick tropical storm—it comes on fast and fierce but clears up rapidly. Bitterness and prolonged anger do not suit the Pisces spirit.
The quickest way to diffuse Pisces’ anger is with kindness and compassion. Genuinely apologize for your part in the situation, speak in a gentle, soothing tone, and reassure them of your affection. Pisces’ anger arises from feeling hurt or betrayed, so soothing their emotions will help erase their anger. Give them some space until they are ready to talk through the issue in a calm, reasonable manner.
They Believe In The Second Chances
Once Pisces feel heard and understood, their anger will fade. They believe in second chances and the power of forgiveness. They seek peace and harmony, so they will work to resolve issues, forgive past mistakes, and rekindle affection. Their anger may be potent, but luckily, it is usually short-lived. The storm clouds will clear, the sun will emerge again, and all will be well in Pisces world.
Final Words
When a Pisces in your life seems upset, give them some space. Their anger may manifest in unpredictable ways, and it’s best not to be in the line of fire. While their rage often burns out quickly, the damage can be lasting. Approach with caution and care.
And if Pisces goes silent on you, don’t assume the issue has been dropped. The waters may have just gone still on the surface while churning violently beneath. Reach out when the seas seem calm again, and be prepared for an emotional outpouring. Pisces feel deeply, and their anger comes from a place of hurt and sensitivity. Treat them and their rage with empathy. Give them room to swim as they need to. Their anger will pass, but your understanding and support will be remembered.